The Conclaves of 1958 & 1963
The Conclave of 1958 to elect a new pope – On October 26, 1958 white smoke was seen emerging from the Sistine Chapel that indicated a new pope has been elected. Cardinals were even seen from the windows waving to the crowd. If there wasn’t an elected Pope it is not permitted that Cardinals should come out of the conclave – so the Cardinals thought there was a Pope elected. This was reported in newspapers and radio around the world that a new Pope had been elected and all waited anxiously for the new Pope to come out to greet the crowd. However, confusion was spread throughout the world, because no new Pope came out to greet the people. The Cardinals were called back into the conclave and they began to vote again the next day.
Two days later, Pope John XXIII was elected and after greeting the crowd, he called all the Cardinals back into the Conclave for a multi-hour meeting. Here are a couple of quotes about this meeting:
“After greeting and blessing the cheering throng in St. Peter’s Square . . . John XXIII ordered the Cardinals not to disperse. He wished to meet with them in secret. This was a burden on several of the Cardinals who were in their nineties and in failing health, but in deference to the new Pope they all stayed. It must have been a very sensitive meeting, for when Secretary of State Tardini tried to enter, mistakenly believing the conclave was over, he was promptly excommunicated by France’s Cardinal Tisserant.” (Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight, p. 154)
“John XXIII asked the cardinals to remain in the conclave another night instead of leaving immediately as was customary…to caution them again against revealing the secrets of his election to outsiders…” (Alden Hatch, A Man Named John, NY, NY: Hawthorn Books Inc., 1963, p. 163.)
Below is a video of the smoke from the 1958 conclave:
Obviously, nothing about this conclave was normal. Note: the strange white/black smoke phenomenon occurred for 8 minutes in the 1963 election. So, what really happened during the conclaves?
Mr. Scortesco, was a cousin of two members of the Vatican’s Noble Guard, which was responsible for guarding the conclaves of 1958 (Pope John XXIII) and 1963 (Pope Paul VI) to make sure that no communication occurred from the outside. Per a published letter, Scortesco said the following:
“In the case of John XXIII (1958) and of Paul VI (1963), there were communications with the outside. It was thus known that there were several ballots in the first conclave [1958] which resulted in the election of Cardinal Tedeschini and in the second [1963], Cardinal Siri.” (Excerpt from the French Newsletter, Introibo, No. 61, July-August-September 1988, Association Noel Pinot, Angers, France, p. 3.)
Scortesco was found burned ALIVE in his bed shortly after the publication of this letter.
In other writings, Scortesco said the communications were with the B’nai Brith (Jewish Freemasory).
If there were communications from the outside and they influenced the election that means these elections were unlawful per Canon Law! Remember the Canon Law was released in 1917 – the same year as Fatima and the communist takeover of Russia?
Cannon law also says:
“Resignation is invalid by law if it was made out of grave fear unjustly inflicted, fraud, substantial error, or simony” (1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 185).
“…A valid Abdication of the Pope must be a free act, hence a forced resignation of the papacy would be null and void, as more than one ecclesiastical decree has declared.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, v. 1, 1907, p. 32.)
That means that If Cardinals Tedeschini and Siri resigned from the elected position out of grave fear unjustly inflicted, fraud, substantial error, or simony, then their resignation was invalid and they were still the valid Pope.
Is there more evidence to support this? Yes, there is.
There is evidence that shows that Cardinal Siri was the first to be elected in 1958 on the 4th ballot of the 1st day of the conclave – this is per a knowledgeable Italian Priest who had conferred with Cardinal Siri and as well as US intelligence documents. Former FBI consultant Paul L Williams sites declassified US intelligence reports that show that Cardinal Siri was elected Pope and took the name Gregory XVII. This corresponded to the time when the white smoke appeared.
Let me give you a little more background on this.
In 1954, Count Della Torre, editor of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, warned [Pope] Pius XII of [Cardinal Angelo] Roncalli’s [future Pope John XIII] communist sympathies.” The FBI & CIA began to accumulate thick files on him and his questionable activities. Files were also kept on Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini (Future Pope Paul VI).
Per the FBI, the 3rd vote resulted in Cardinal Siri being elected, as did the 4th vote. However, French cardinals (some known Freemasons) annulled the results, claiming the election would cause widespread riots and the assassination of several prominent bishops behind the Iron Curtain. Then the Cardinals elected Cardinal Ferderico Tedischini as the “transitional pope”, however he was too ill to accept the position. “Finally, on the third day of balloting, Roncalli received the necessary support to become Pope John XXIII. . . .” (Paul L. Williams, The Vatican Exposed, Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003, pp. 90-92.) This is per Department of State confidential biography of John XXIII that was declassified on February 15, 1974.
Cardinal Siri indirectly confirmed this as well. In a published interview with the Marquis de Franquerey, Louis Remy and Francis Delay, Siri was asked many questions on a variety of topics. Cardinal Siri denied other things said during the interview, but would not deny that the was elected Pope. Cardinal Siri said the following:
“I am bound by the secret. This secret is horrible. I would have books to write about the different conclaves, very serious things have taken place, but I can say nothing.”
The fact that Cardinal Siri wouldn’t deny that he was elected Pope, pretty much confirms that he probably was.
That means that per the FBI declassified reports, the valid Pope elected in both the 1958 & 1963 was Cardinal Siri who choose the name Pope Gregory XVII. Cardinal Siri was Pope Pius XII’s choice of successor. He also was the conservative’s choice. Cardinal Siri would have led the Church to keep the path of God.